About the Melbourne School of Design Building Archive
The searchable online Melbourne School of Design Building Archive is a comprehensive source of data on the design and construction of the Melbourne School of Design Building (2009-2014). The Archive includes images of the previous buildings in which the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning was housed (Architecture and Old Commerce buildings) as well a broad range of resources relating to the construction of the new building. These resources cover every phase of the project, from the initial design competition through to the design process, pre-construction activities, construction and post-construction. There are numerous resource types available, including images, videos, sketches, drawings, documents, presentations, WebEx screenshots, renders and data.
The archive was created using the Online Heritage Resource Manager (OHRM), a contextual information mapping system that has emerged from more than 20 years of research and development, producing a wide variety of scholarly public knowledge resources. The OHRM maps the overall structure of the project (key people, organisations and events).
A number of people and groups have been involved in the development of the Archive, including:
- Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning - Dr Robert Crawford (Project Leader)
- The eScholarship Research Centre (eSRC) - A/Prof Gavan McCarthy, Christine Moje, Helen Morgan, Dr Marco La Rosa, Dr Caitlin Stone
- The University of Melbourne's Records Services - Adelaide Parr, Kathryn Dan
- The University of Melbourne Archives - Dr Katrina Dean
The establishment of the Archive was funded by the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning's Strategic Initiative Scheme.
The Melbourne School of Design Building Archive is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.